Chester pride is playing a major part in helping the Council and Chester Renaissance to transform the city into a world-class destination.

A three-month consultation on the One City Plan (OCP) is generating encouraging discussion, debate and creative thinking from all sections of the community.

Over one hundred individuals have attended the drop in sessions held so far and a further 70 have taken part in interactive themed workshops focusing on development opportunities and sustainability.

Councillor Herbert Manley, Executive Member for Prosperity, said: “The very encouraging response we have had so far has provided ample evidence of the pride and interest that Cestrians have in their city.

“We want the One City Plan to be owned by the people of Chester – a mandate for change shaped by contributions from all sections of society.”

The OCP team is also engaging with stakeholder groups and forums, including, Chester Community Forum, Area Partnership Board, Bank of America, Civic Trust, Tourism Business Forum, Chester Rotary Club, Property Agents, and Accessibility Action Group.

Today (Tuesday) the Council and Chester Renaissance reminded the residents and organisations of Chester that there will be opportunities to have their say or find out more about the plan at two further drop-in sessions.

Members of the team, equipped with details of the draft plan, will be available from 8.30am to 4pm on Thursday, 4 August in the centre of the Forum Shopping Centre (next to the Market entrance).

And a final session will take place on Monday, 15 August from 4pm until 8pm in Chester Renaissance offices at Chester Visitor Centre, Vicars Lane.

Over thirty written comments have been received at the mid way stage of the consultation, covering a number of themes and ideas including:

  • Agree Chester’s main focus for the future
  • Want to see action and delivery
  • Improve overall management and maintenance of City Centre
  • Make more of the Rows – signage, animation and improvements
  • More events and animation of the City
  • Invest in heritage assets – making them engaging and imaginative
  • Generate a much stronger enterprise culture and environment for business
  • Historic core should focus on quality distinctive product – make most of unique offer
  • Provide things to do in the evening, especially cultural activity.

Ways to submit written comments include: