Proposals affecting the number of licensed premises in the city centre and Chester’s Waterways Strategy will be topics under the spotlight at the next One City Plan (OCP) drop-in event.

For the first time this month, the event at Chester Town Hall’s Palatine Room next Tuesday (12 November) will feature a lunchtime session in response to requests from local residents and businesses.

The new session at 11.30am-1pm will be in addition to the usual session at 4.30-6.30pm.

Visitors will be able to learn more about the consultation into a proposed Cumulative Impact Policy (CIP) for Chester city centre.

Residents and businesses are being asked for their views on the proposal, which could limit the number of licensed premises in the city centre.

The draft document will be available to view and members of Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Licensing Team will be on hand to discuss the proposals.

The consultation documents are also available to view online at

The drop-in event will also focus on the key recommendations and actions of the city’s emerging Waterways Strategy.

The strategy has been developed by a partnership of Chester Renaissance, the Council, the Canal and Rivers Trust, Inland Waterways Association and Chester Canal Heritage Trust.

Members of the partnership team who have contributed to the strategy will be on hand alongside Chester Renaissance staff to answer any questions on the project.

The strategy has been shaped following a series of workshops with key groups, and local residents and other interested parties will have the opportunity to comment on it over the coming weeks.

The drop-in event will also feature updates on the various projects and initiatives that form part of the OCP, which aims to guide the future economic regeneration of Chester.

The 15-year strategy will co-ordinate and drive a programme of public and private investment and development activity into the city centre.

Further information about the drop-in sessions can be found at