Residents are asked for their views about a new Chester Transport Strategy which is being launched on Friday 6 September.

Cheshire West and Chester Council, in partnership with Chester Renaissance, is seeking views on the future of transport in and around the city, as part of the consultation exercise.

Councillor Herbert Manley, Executive Member for Growth and Innovation, said: “A new and updated transport strategy for Chester is essential to provide the basis for a more ‘joined up’ approach to dealing with current and emerging transport issues.

“We intend that the new strategy will form a vital part of assisting our plans for the longer-term economic, social and environmental needs of the city and the surrounding area.

“Our proposals are essential to help us assess and respond to current and future travel requirements, and demands in and around the city, in the years to come.”

Important issues that the Council has considered and responded to include:

  • Access to new developments such as the new Theatre, Northgate Development, the planned new Central Business Quarter next to the railway station and new housing requirements;
  • Making the city centre more attractive including opportunities to provide new pedestrianised areas in Northgate Street, St Werburgh Street and improving links between the city centre and the amphitheatre;
  • A new bus interchange in the city centre and improvements to make bus use more attractive;
  • Improving parking including options to enhance the opportunities for blue badge users and improving the Council’s park and ride services;
  • Providing better links between the city centre, the amphitheatre and the Groves;
  • Dealing with localised congestion and traffic delays including the needs of longer distance commuters; and
  • Improving opportunities for pedestrians and cyclists.

Councillor Manley continued: “We have already taken account of local views and concerns as part of an initial consultation exercise, undertaken earlier this year.

“This has helped inform our suggested proposals and options, and we are now keen to hear from our partners and residents’ on our proposals as part of this new consultation exercise. This will take place between Friday September 6th and Friday October 18th.”

Full details about the plans and ideas along with a questionnaire to send your views can be found on the Chester Transport Strategy page.

This is just one part of the Council’s consultation activities and the Council is keen to ensure that everyone who has a view about transport in the city and surrounding area, has a chance to have their voice heard.

Two public drop-in sessions have also been set up. The first is Tuesday 10 September. This will take place between 10.30am and 6.30pm in the Palatine room in Chester Town Hall.

The second will be between 10am and 4pm on Saturday 14 September again at the same venue.

Do not forget that the deadline for comments is Friday 18 October. Once the Council has considered the results of this consultation exercises, the Council plans to finalise and publish the new Transport Strategy in early 2014.